Who Needs to Use the
Lead generators who lose revenue from their leads when agents
are not available to convert the warm lead into a sale.
Agencies that send phone call leads to clients but don’t get full credit for providing the lead due to client’s business operational failures.
Live Leads
Client Operational Failures
No Follow up
to Voicemail
No Callback
to live lead
Call Agents
Call not
No Live
Still have more Questions?
What Is the AvidTrak Lead Maximizer?
The AvidTrak Lead Maximizer ensures every lead is followed through to determine key indicators that will maximize ROI on ad spend.
What Sets AvidTrak Lead Maximizer Apart From Everyone Else?
AvidTrak Lead Maximizer offers the most competitive prices And the most responsive product support in the industry.
How does the AvidTrak Lead Maximizer improve ROI?
Every live lead is captured, routed, and resolved.
How does the AvidTrak Lead Maximizer Work For You?
Use call queues to segment and prioritize callers.
How does the AvidTrak Lead Maximizer Integrate into your Current Reporting Structure?
Close loop revenue tracking by reporting phone calls into Google (Ads, Analytics and DataStudio) and MSN Ad Center.